
Beginners Programme

  Our beginners challenge is a perfect online programme if you feel overwhelmed with  whats most suitable for you to eat as an individual don't know what kind of exercise to do  want to gain a tremendous amount of knowledge and how to implement positive habits for you and your loved ones. If so, click the link below to and complete our application form and will be in contact to arrange a call to find out more about your personal situation and advise on the most suitable options.  BEGINNERS

10 ways to reduce your stress levels

  Click the video below to watch 10 ways to reduce your stress levels  ways to reduce your stress levels
MINDLESS EATING : We are guilty of this at times. Think about Christmas Day. Temptation everywhere. We stuff our faces and we aren’t even hungry and that’s before we eat our main meal. We sit on the sofa, full to the brim and we can’t move an inch. Many people, suffer with this on a weekly and sometimes, daily basis. Jaclyn and I explain 9 simple ways to be more mindful when it comes to our eating habits. Let me know which ones resonate with you. MINDLESS EATING

Are you your best friend of worst enemy?

  I speak to several people both on the phone and via messages that are exceptionally down on themselves for the vast majority of the day. We have up to 50,000 thoughts a day and for many, they are mostly negative. I can’t do this I’m a bad mum, dad, brother ... I’m not losing weight I could go on. It’s truly heartbreaking listening to the way people describe themselves. If nothing else, by the end of our call, I hope to have helped them see their value, strength and potential. If you are someone that constantly thinks like this, I would love you to do the following. Before you go to bed write down 3 things that you have achieved throughout the day. These don’t have to be grand events. In the past we’ve said to some clients who have been really struggling to function: Brush your teeth Make your bed Get dressed. If they were unable to do these tasks beforehand, lying in the same clothes day in day out, the above is an accomplishment 😃 Feel free to comment below or pm as I appreciate th

How Neat are you?

  One of the most underrated fat loss tools, which is often overlooked,  is walking.  Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, or sports like movement. Any physical activity increase your metabolic rate. The cumulative impact over a week, month and beyond can have a significant positive outcome on the ability to burn more calories.  We advise our clients to increase their walking activity wherever possible. Walking the dog, going for a walk listening to a podcast, simply fidgeting, walking upstairs to the bathroom as opposed to downstairs, getting off the tube a station earlier, cutting the grass and so on.  Even better and more challenging as demonstrated in the image attached is by adding additional weight, via a weighted vest.  Consider what movement you are currently doing on a weekly basis and where you can slowly introduce more.